Welcome to The Deep Now

You have unlocked the door to enchantment.

Thank you friends, for subscribing to The Deep Now. With each newsletter, I aim to take you deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole of cosmology.

“What is cosmology?” you might ask. Well, like anything in life, I like to go to the source. Cosmos stems from the Greek root kosmos meaning “world” and “order.” Logy also comes from the Greek word logos which translates to: “word” or “reason”. So in its most simplest form, cosmology means: to put word and reason to the order of the universe.

And that is exactly what I’ll be doing through the medium of Archetypal Cosmology. Yes, you guessed it—we’re going back to the roots. The word Archetypal yet again finds its roots in ancient Greece. Archetype stems from the word arkhe which means “the beginning, origin, first place,” while typal is rooted in the word typus meaning “a model.” Essentially, archetypal implies a model of first principles. So Archetypal Cosmology is a way in which to understand and communicate the order of the universe through first principles.

I will continue to state this: archetypes are the OG first principles. Especially when we’re exploring and dissecting human consciousness, archetypes become the primary tool through which we can excavate gems from the deep unconscious. Perhaps, there is no better person to explain the mysterious science of archetypes than Carl Jung: “The primordial image, or archetype, is a figure—be it a daemon, a human being, or a process—that constantly recurs in the course of history and appears wherever creative fantasy is freely expressed. Essentially, therefore, it is a mythological figure…In each of these images there is a little piece of human psychology and human fate, a remnant of the joys and sorrows that have been repeated countless times in our ancestral history.”

Archetypes reside in and outside of your consciousness. We, humans, participate in a collective field of archetypes. Thus, everything we do, especially on a macro scale reflects these archetypes. The more we understand the nature of archetypes, the more equipped we are to deal with our shortcomings and perhaps even turn them into our superpowers. This is the mission of The Deep Now: to reveal the archetypes to you through world events, to help sharpen your archetypal eye, and to guide you into the Age of Enchantment.

The archetypes we will be focusing on are planetary archetypes, starting from the Sun all the way to Pluto. My professor, and the founder of Archetypal Cosmology, Richard Tarnas detailed that for some mysterious reason, the movement of the planets correlate significantly with human affairs on Earth. If you’re interested in doing an immediate deep dive, then I suggest reading his book Cosmos & Psyche: Intimations of a New World View. Or you could also read through a thread I wrote earlier this year: https://twitter.com/SomyaThakker/status/1643643468042960897?s=20

While I’d love to reveal the entire cosmology to you in this newsletter, that would not be possible, and perhaps not very fun for you or me. So little by little, I will share the science and metaphysics behind all of it, and what it indicates for humanity’s evolution. I will do my best to be a great messenger—so I hope I will not lose you along the journey, and that you will stick around to wander through this cosmic garden with me.

Alright, let’s get to the fun stuff.

Collectively, we are all experiencing three major planetary transits—which means that there are three separate alignments between certain planets that are active in the sky right now:

1) Saturn-Uranus: active since December 2021, and coming to an end February 2024.

2) Jupiter-Uranus: active since June 2023, and coming to an end September 2024.

3) Uranus-Pluto: active since August 2021, and coming to an end May 2032.

So as you can see, these are long transits and there’s a lot to uncover. For now, I will give you a taste of what each transit means.


The archetype of Saturn reflects: tradition, the past, and wisdom. It is the reality principle. While the archetype of Uranus symbolizes: innovation, the future, and rebellion. It is the principle of change. As you can probably feel, the two archetypes are polar opposites. One wants to remain stable (Saturn) while the other one wants to move forward (Uranus). So what does this indicate? Whenever we have an alignment between Saturn and Uranus, it can mean that there’s going to be a lot of instability (collapses, tensions, separations, etc.) and/or synthesis (structures, bridges, paradigm shifts, etc.). It’s important to keep in mind that each archetype has a light and a shadow aspect. Which side we will experience is quite impossible to predict, but I will get more into that another time.

To give you some historical grounding, the last time we had a major Saturn-Uranus alignment was 2007—2012. Does anything ring a bell? The biggest financial collapse in recent history: the subprime mortgage crisis, as well as one of the most paradigm-shifting technologies to ever be created: the iPhone.

Can you see and feel it?

Within the past 1-2 years we have already witnessed the collapse of crypto (Luna, FTX, etc.), Silicon Valley Bank, and perhaps an impending recession. However, we have also witnessed paradigm-shifting technologies being adopted: ChatGPT and AI-generated art. The old and the new are in tension but also meticulously engineering a bridge. That is what Saturn-Uranus represents.


The archetype of Jupiter symbolizes: growth, joy, and excess. It is the principle of expansion. So when Jupiter and Uranus are in alignment, we generally experience moments of greater freedom and change, creative breakthroughs, and suddenly broadened horizons. This alignment generally coincides with peak experiences. On the shadow side, it entails a deep crash from the peak as energy can be tremendously scattered.

As an example, Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein were born with these two planets in alignment. Both were creative geniuses and expanded humanity’s vision through innovation and philosophy. Like these two individuals, Jupiter-Uranus moments are about making quantum leaps. And perhaps, it is no coincidence that Jupiter and Uranus were in alignment when physicists, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, and their colleagues sparked the quantum physics revolution by bringing Max Planck’s theory of quantum physics to a culmination in 1927.

We will experience the peak of this transit next summer. Until then, I aim to bring more Jupiter-Uranus gems to you so you can continue to consciously participate with this phenomenal combination as it unfolds on the personal and collective level.


The archetype of Pluto symbolizes: power, depth, and transformation. It is the principle of death and rebirth. So when Uranus and Pluto come into alignment, we experience revolutionary and evolutionary changes. In its light, we see a deep awakening to freedom. In its shadow, we see a destructive radicalization.

Uranus-Pluto cycles take longer to unfold than the ones mentioned above. So the last time humanity experienced this exact transit was in the 1920s. It’s funny and ecstatic to imagine that we are currently living through the 20s in some sense. While this transit has really just begun, the best I can do is to highlight some primary events which occurred in the 20s that reflect the Uranus-Pluto combination.

In America, the 20s are often referred to as The Roaring 20s and The Jazz Age. Flappers symbolized the cultural moment through their short skirts, bob haircuts, cigarette smoking, sexual promiscuity, and a general disdain for social norms. In many ways, the 20s were about awakening (Uranus) the libido (Pluto). Louis Armstrong took center stage with his deep voice and iconic trumpet sound as Dixieland jazz rippled through the ears of the masses. It was also the period of Prohibition when alcohol became illegal, which led to the birth of speakeasies—underground bars. The taboo, the hidden, and buried elements of life (Pluto) was rebelling and unleashing itself (Uranus). Another thing to take note of: history does not repeat itself—but as Mark Twain has suggested it—it rhymes. So we won’t be experiencing exactly what the 20s were like, but rather we’ll be experiencing an echo of what it was like.

With cosmic reverence,


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