A love letter to the cosmos...

2015: a new spirit is in the air. In Paris, the nations of the world sign a historic agreement to fight climate change. NASA's deep space probe makes a pioneering flyby of Pluto. Psychedelics regain mainstream respect, and the world is awash with revolutionary fervor.

Somewhere in the California wilderness... Abeer, an inquisitive young man with a longing to know the mysteries of the world, rests on the boughs of a Great Oak Tree, listening deeply. He is seeking to commune directly with the raw heart of nature—the trees, clouds, flowers, and birds—to see what they might say back to him.

"Hi tree, how are you today?" inquires Abeer as he languidly rests in the tree's branches, the cool air carrying the twitter of birds flitting through the trees. Suddenly, a booming voice, as ancient as the dinosaurs and vast as the Milky Way, erupts: "INTEGRATE THIS, MOTHER FUCKER!"

Abeer is shocked right out of the tree! He hardly expected the Great Oak Tree to speak back to him, much less in such clear and detailed language. "Integrate This M_____ F_____?" ponders Abeer to himself. A sense of recognition dawns... As a graduate student at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco, Abeer is surrounded by scholars and mystics from across the globe seeking to untangle the deep mysteries of creation and learn from the great teachers of our age.

It feels as though the Great Oak Tree is laughing at Abeer. For all of his studies in "integration," even a single atom of the Great Oak Tree in this material plane is too vast to be integrated using mere thoughts alone. Integration demands a deeper immanence with the "what is" and all the wonders of this dazzling story called The Cosmos.

The words of the Great Oak Tree still ringing in his ears, Abeer retreats into a period of solemn inquiry into the nature of the cosmos, collective unconscious, archetypal astrology, expressionist painting, fashion, and world history.

Into this brew steps Somya, an inquisitive young woman with a longing to know the mysteries of the world. Deeply immersed in the paradox of life, she is furiously inquiring into the edge of Einstein and Quantum Physics, Coltrane and Jazz, Zen and Krishnamurti, taking long misty walks through the hinterlands of San Francisco. A meeting fated in the stars and karma, Somya and Abeer are fascinated by each other. Two voyagers whose mothers had briefly met several decades ago in a far-off land. Their acquaintance soon turns to fast friendship. Somya brings a spark of enchantment to the everyday, Abeer brings a solemn sense of the sacred.

One enchanted October evening in 2019, Abeer and Somya sit in the hallowed hot springs of Big Sur, California, at the edge of the world, and gaze up at the glimmering stars of the Milky Way. A spark of romance is lit. These two voyagers, united by the bonds of time and space, make an oath to share their love of the mystery with the entire world.

The year is 2021, during a late-night jam session while holed up in the coastal surfer town of Santa Cruz, Abeer narrates his experience with the tree.

"That's it!" exclaims Somya.
"Integrate This! A rallying cry to seek enchantment..."

"I can see the logo already," muses Abeer, "an empty vessel... like a camera frame, capturing each moment of the 'what is' as the anima mundi keeps evolving through archetypal transits of astrology..."

Presenting: INTEGRATE THIS. Our gift to you, fellow voyager of Earth. A fashion label launched in 2023 at the dawn of a new era of human consciousness, one where we rekindle the wisdom of enchantment and the mysteries of creation, which have long been eclipsed by the harsh light of rationality in the modern age. It's a dash of rebellion, a sprinkle of mystery, and a touch of the sacred.

It's a love letter to the cosmos, generations in the making. Now, make it yours, and step into the Age of Enchantment!

Abeer & Somya <3
New York City

Designing with Deep Time

Abeer Desai and Somya Thakker have trained directly with pioneering giants incubating a new vision of what it means to be a human being in the 21st century.

They bring extensive original research into intersection of Archetypal Astrology and World History (including cycles in fashion, financial markets, and geopolitics) as Co-Developers of HistoryEngine technology at Numinous Realm.

They both hold a Master's degree in Philosophy, Cosmology, and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies--the world's foremost center of studies into the collective unconscious.

They continue to nurture a wide community engaged at the intersection of depth psychology, archetypal astrology, cosmology, comparative religions, ecology, commerce, art, and more.

Learn more about Somya.
Learn more about Abeer.

Honoring the Pioneers

We salute the intrepid explorers of spirit who inadvertently set the stage for a fashion revolution.

Re-discovered the correlation between planetary alignments and the collective unconscious in the modern era.

1950 -

Re-discovered the correlation between planetary alignments and the collective unconscious in the modern era.

1950 -

Pioneered the use of psychedelics in a clinical setting to explore the collective unconscious.

1931 -

Pioneered the use of psychedelics in a clinical setting to explore the collective unconscious.

1931 -

Described the reality of a "collective unconscious" connecting the beings of Earth.

1875 - 1961

Described the reality of a "collective unconscious" connecting the beings of Earth.

1875 - 1961

Emphasized the idea that there are some parts of the self we are not fully conscious of.

1856 - 1939

Emphasized the idea that there are some parts of the self we are not fully conscious of.

1856 - 1939