From Planetarywear to Matchmaking

Full Moon

I am a couple days late to sending this newsletter out, my apologies. I hope you had an energizing Full Moon.

Full Moons are a time in which the building up of creative tension from the New Moon has an opportunity to release itself.

And this is exactly what I was doing during the Full Moon––I was literally releasing the limited edition product for Integrate This. In addition to that, I was recording an interview between my co-founder, Abeer Desai and our featured artist, Lucien Dante Lazar. It was such a beautiful synchronicity as Lucien just moved to New York a few weeks ago!

Integrate This

Our limited edition product, "Paradigm Crack" has been unveiled and pre-order registration begins October 3, 2023.

This is the first ever piece of clothing designed in conscious participation with real-time planetary alignments and archetypal patterns of history.

The "Paradigm Crack" was inspired by our current planetary alignment between Saturn and Uranus, evoking themes of: structural collapses and paradigm shifts.

Along with our HistoryEngine, we worked with Lucien to create this design which evokes the zeitgeist.

Learn more about the artist, and the cosmology that this product is embedded within:

On that note, I'd like to extend a special offer to my newsletter subscribers.

The first 5 customers (U.S. only) of the "Paradigm Crack" will receive a FREE birth chart reading from me.

Pre-order registration begins October 3, 2023 at 8pm EST.

Perhaps this is a good moment to share the inception story of Integrate This.

It was the spring of 2015 and Abeer was participating in an off-campus graduate class called Nature & Eros, taught by the brilliant and poetic evolutionary cosmologist, Brian Swimme.

I highly recommend watching this short documentary The Journey of the Universe by Brian to get a glimpse into his worldview. I was lucky to have been taught by Brian in his very last class before his retirement in the fall of 2019. Through him, I finally understood the meaning of gravity––the law of attraction, universal eros.

Anyway, back to Abeer's story. Nature & Eros was designed to help students connect to nature on a deep and cosmic level.

During one of the assigned solo nature walks, Abeer found himself standing in front of a large tree. As he maintained his gaze, the tree spoke to him.

In a deep and penetrating voice, the tree said: "integrate this motherfu*ker."

I should share that the name of the university is California Institute of Integral Studies. Thus, the theme of integration is at the heart of a student's educational journey.

So this incident made Abeer question: how do you integrate material reality? Yes, perhaps we can attempt to integrate the realm of energy and spirit––the areas which linger in the mind. But can you integrate matter? The tree was challenging him.

Fast-forward to the spring of 2022. Abeer and I were having a late night creative jam session figuring out how we could bring archetypal cosmology into the larger world through fashion. The experience with the tree came flooding back into his consciousness, and he uttered the words "Integrate This" to me.

Integrate This is the tree for the world––asking each individual, each customer to integrate the vast cosmic mystery that imbues our everyday life.

And perhpas the most paradoxical way to embark on such an endeavor is through the material dimension, through the very material with which we all clothe ourselves.

Our logo is designed as an empty vessel to allow for the multidimensional and multivalent aspect of the Mystery to speak for itself.

So that's the story! It began with a tree.

Abeer and I are thrilled to be launching this brand.

We believe Integrate This is sparking a new movement in fashion: the transition from streetwear to planetarywear.

We deeply appreciate your support and enthusiasm!

Archetypal News

The Saturn square Uranus transit which began in 2020 and ends this year, has been at the forefront of my everyday life. Especially because the end of a world transit is what is considered to be a "sunset." Just as an actual sunset is vibrant and powerful, so is an astrological transit at the end of its cycle.

Thus, we've entered into a period of intensification. A time in which the archetype of Saturn (tradition, structure, limitation) is coming face-to-face with the archetype of Uranus (innovation, spontaneity, liberation).

So let's take a look at an interesting story unfolding right now.

The dating app Tinder just released a $500/month subscription called Tinder Select. Users of this membership receive a number of perks from direct messaging before even getting matched to "select mode" where members can see and be seen by the app’s most sought-after profiles for "more exceptional connections."

Tinder first launched in 2012 just as the Uranus-Pluto transit was coming into an exact alignment. One major Uranus-Pluto theme is sexual liberation. The last time Uranus and Pluto were in a major alignment was in the 1960s, and of course we all know what that decade was about: sexual freedom.

So it was very interesting to see that dating apps took off during this most recent Uranus-Pluto transit which began in 2007 and ended in 2020.

Finding a partner was never easier. He or she was literally at the tip of your fingers.

But along with all its novelty and excitement came the shadow, disappointment and dispair.

Just as the Uranus-Pluto transit was coming to an end, the world began to wake up (especially conservatives) to the fact that too much choice was stifling young people's capacity to enter into a long-term partnership.

I mean this is the classic philosophical concept which Jean Paul Satre called nausea––when we are confronted with endless choices we feel existentially nauseated.

The end of the Uranus-Pluto alignment was met with the tough Saturn-Pluto transit, which generally coincides with a climate of traditional values and authoritarian impulses.

So it was no coincidence that just as the Saturn-Pluto transit was peaking in 2020, the hit Netflix show "Indian Matchmaking" launched.

Right back to the traditional way.

Indian Matchmaking focused on the manual process of making personally tailored and curated matches through the medium of Aunty Sima.

To witness an old Indian system come to the forefront of global culture was a phenomenal Saturn-Pluto experience.

It's important to note that generally matchmakers cost between $1000 –– $100,000.

So for an app like Tinder, it is a massive market to tap into.

What is so Saturn-Uranus about this piece of news is that the technology app (Uranus) is integrating a traditional (Saturn) subscription model. As well as bringing a sense of exclusivity (Saturn) to the sea of choice (Uranus).

It will be interesting to track how the dating culture evolves as we continue to unfold into the softer alignment of the current Uranus trine Pluto. I have no doubt we'll see a similar intensity as the 1960s and 2010s reverberate between 2041 and 2052 during the next major alignment of the Uranus-Pluto opposition.

Alright, that's it for now.

Wishing you a warm and lovely transition into fall.

In Mystery,


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