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In 2021, at the height of the previous crypto bull cycle, a little-known project leaped to global prominence. KlimaDAO was launched with the simple idea of leveraging the bonding protocol pioneered by OlympusDAO and using it to bring carbon credits into the treasury. By acquiring carbon credits, KlimaDAO aimed to "raise the floor price" of carbon globally, making it more expensive for polluting industries seeking to offset their footprint and more profitable for carbon projects to finance their expansion.

In a matter of months, KlimaDAO changed the world, initiating an explosion of digitization in the carbon markets and instigating a series of extremely critical explorations of the value and validity of various kinds of carbon projects. The initiative shown by KlimaDAO is a bright burning flame in the global fight against climate change, which is far too often swamped under theoretical navel-gazing, perfectionism, and a litany of conflicting geopolitical priorities.

Thanks to the KlimaDAO community (comprising 100,000 members globally and counting), the world has now digitized over 20,000,000 tons of carbon onto the Polygon blockchain. This is a watershed moment in the global fight against climate change, which has suffered from three primary issues:

  • Opaque pricing: Participants seeking to retire carbon credits had to go through brokers who would add a variety of markups, thus limiting the amount of financing reaching the end project developers. Now, they can get an instantaneous price quote from KlimaDAO's liquidity pools.

  • Fragmentation: Organizations and governments seeking to offset a large footprint would have to cobble together a variety of different projects. Now, they can offset a massive footprint using KlimaDAO's liquidity pools.

  • Provenance: It was hard to know where specific carbon credits came from in the past, whether they were of genuine quality, or had already been retired by some other party. Thanks to the immutable nature of the blockchain, each credit is clearly traceable and accounted for. You can learn specifically where and when specific credits were created and retired.

Despite the intensive criticism of the carbon markets today, the fact remains that creating a high-integrity "global internet of carbon" is by far the most cost-effective way to accelerate climate finance to every corner of Earth.

Today, we are proud to announce our partnership with KlimaDAO. We are pledging 1% of sales devoted to retiring carbon credits using KlimaDAO. We see this as not just a way to "offset" our footprint but also as a means to bring a steady buy pressure into the carbon markets and support the initial vision that KlimaDAO started out with—to make it more expensive for polluters to continue business as usual and to bring more abundance into the lives of the global market participants who are creating pro-carbon projects around the world.

To learn more about KlimaDAO, please visit:

To stay involved with our climate action, please visit our offset history at:

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